Ready for a new career jump?
We are constantly looking for new talent. Would you like to collaborate with dedicated and talented colleagues in a dynamic industry? Are you intrigued by mica and innovative products? Does international cooperation inspire you to achieve excellent results? Then COGEBI is the perfect place for you!
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Připraveni na novou kariérní příležitost?
Stále hledáme nové talenty. Je Vaším cílem pracovat s motivovanými a schopnými kolegy v dynamicky se rozvíjející společnosti? Zajímá Vás slída a inovativní produkty? Je pro Vás výzvou mezinárodní spolupráce? Pak je COGEBI ideálním místem pro Vaši kariéru!
Neváhejte nás kontaktovat a odeslat svůj životopis na
Belgium, LOT
R & D Manager
Main responsibilities: 1 - Group development projects Responsible for developing, optimizing and improving products, methods and technologies within the group Design, define and perform design work...
Czech Republic, TABOR
Sales Manager B2B
Responsibilities: Regular communication with customers in EnglishAnalyzing customer needs and preparing business offersActive acquisition and development of business relationships with clients within...